We have four stands of devotional candles in the church by the statues of the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph. Each stand contains 40 globes, two of which hold sand and wooden tapers with which to light additional candles.
When lighting a candle, carefully light one of the wooden tapers from one of the candles already lit, and use that taper to light your candle. Be sure to extinguish the flame on the taper and place it back into the globe with the sand once your candle is lit. The sand will ensure that the taper is fully extinguished.
Each candle will burn continuously for approximately 6 days, or until it burns out completely. There is a suggested donation of $5.00 per candle which can be placed directly in the box attached to the candle stand. Or you can take one of the envelopes on the stand and make your donation at a later time.
In the lighting of candles we remember and truly live the words of our Lord, “I am the Light of the World.” After lighting a candle, you should offer a prayer. Your prayer may thank God for a favor or blessing. You may thank a particular saint for intercession for your particular need, or you may bring a petition to our Lord, his Mother, or one of the saints. Your lighted candle will join with those left by others as a tangible sign of the combined prayers of our St. Thomas a’Becket parish community. Many small lights make for a greater cumulative brilliance.
When you see those flames, you can offer a prayer for all the needs that they represent in our community of faith.