Safe Environment Training For New and Returning Volunteers
The Archdiocese of Detroit has updated the requirements for all volunteers and staff who work with minors or at-risk adults.
All volunteers must have a background check at least every two years (catechists and staff every year)
New volunteers must attend an in-person or Zoom “Protecting God’s Children” Workshop (PCG)
Recertification is required for volunteers and staff who completed PGC prior to 2020.
Your credentials must be updated by AUGUST 31, 2023
Teens need to take an online ‘Healthy Relationships for Teens 2.0” Workshop
To register for any of these trainings, or to update your information, go to, call Grace Pellerito at (734) 981-1333, or email [email protected] for assistance.Thank you for your help in keeping our community safe!!