OCTOBER IS FIRE SAFETY MONTH! Fire extinguishers are a great fire safety item to own but do you know how to use them? On Sunday, October 20th immediately after the 8 AM AND 10 AM Mass, the Canton Fire Department will be at St. Thomas a’Becket to lead a training in Fire Safety for your home. The Canton Fire Department has a training device to teach you how to use a fire extinguisher. The training device simulates a fire and has you go through the steps of calling 9-1-1, pulling the fire alarm pull station, and using a pretend fire extinguisher to put out the fire which is simulated on a video screen. You will learn how to use this device in a calm, controlled setting where no actual flames are being used. You will learn the meaning of the acronym PASS, where fire extinguishers should be located in your home, how to maintain the fire extinguishers you have, what types of extinguishers are out there, why they have different-sized extinguishers, and what to do with the extinguisher after it has been used.