Would you like to have your infant baptized at St. Thomas a'Becket Catholic Church? The checklist below should help you. If you are looking for Baptism for an adult or teen, visit our OCIA program page.
You must be a registered parishioner for at least three months. To register, simply call the Parish Office and ask to speak to Deacon Jim Ward or Lisa Bittner. You may also want to complete ouronline registration form.
You will need to meet with either Deacon Jim Ward or Lisa Bittner. You may call the office at (734) 981-1333, to make an appointment to speak with them.
You will need to attend a Baptism preparation class via zoom before the child's baptism date. Baptism and baptism preparation class dates are listed at the end of every Chancellor.
If your child will be baptized in another parish, but you need proof that you have attended baptism preparation classes at St. Thomas a'Becket, contact the Parish Office at (734) 981-1333. Please have the name and full mailing address, email (or fax number) to which the letter should be sent.
If you are not a registered parishioner and would like to have your child baptized here you will need to obtain a permission letter from the parish that you are registered at.